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I hereby understand and accept the Terms & Conditions set out below:

US Terms and Conditions

You are only being provided access to this material because you are a Sassoon team member. The content of the training is company property, and as such is protected. Do not share your password or access to this material with anyone. Failure to abide by these terms and conditions will result in your dismissal.

UK Terms and Conditions

The content of the training videos is the Intellectual property of Sassoon and as such is protected. Please do not share your password with anyone outside of the company. If you were to share your password, or the content of the training videos with any external persons or organisations you will be in breach of the Confidential Information and Intellectual Property clauses in your Contract of Employment. Any instances will be investigated and may be treated as a disciplinary offense, the outcome of which could be dismissal.

German Terms and Conditions

Der Inhalt der Training-Videos ist das geistige Eigentum von Sassoon und urheberrechtlich geschützt. Der AN verpflichtet sich insbesondere, sein Passwort geheim zu halten und nicht an Dritte weiterzugeben. Ein Verstoß des AN gegen diese Verschwiegenheitspflicht stellt einen wichtigen Grund dar, der Sassoon zur außerordentlichen Kündigung berechtigt.

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Program Type
Program Name